Happy (Possibly) First Day School

My girls started school yesterday. Our district offers either a full online program or a remote start that turns into live school every other day.  I’ve been furloughed from my job, so I’m home (trying to tutor online), and my mother is high risk.  We chose remote only school to protect her, as well as to protect me; I have asthma and am prone to respiratory issues.  It’s been an interesting ride so far.

I have kids in two schools, so we’ve been juggling two schedules: A goes from 9-1 and M has a more college-like setup, with classes scheduled randomly throughout the day.  There were a lot of hiccups. For part of the day, I didn’t have the class links and we couldn’t get on, and we wondered if we’d have school at all or we’d be binge-watching Netflix and eating cookies.  We ate a lot of cookies anyway, not gonna lie.

Somehow, I got communications for the wrong programs, and my dauhger didn’t get a class we thought she’d have. I have to say, while my social media makes me crazy, it’s been amazing during this. Everyone was so supportive. When I said I didn’t have the right materials, within a few minutes another parent posted it to me. All over, people were asking for help and others were there to fix it or commiserate.  It is hadn’t been for them I think I’d have frisbeed that iPad out the window.  We’ve also created some enrichment and social groups.  Covid has been such a terrible, isolating experience, but I am so thankful to have such a supportive community.

I also appreciate the teachers. I know how incredibly hard it is to be without your regular classroom. I know how hard it’s been to try and change all of the live activities to online. I know how hard it is to work as hard as you can and no matter what you do, some of the members of your community or administration will never think it’s correct or enough. I know. And teachers, please know that I am thankful for you and your work every day, and I know you’re doing your best for every child against incredible odds. Thank you.

We did eventually get on and got it straightened out.  It can’t and won’t be live school, but that’s all right. We’ll make it through, hopefully all alive and well. Thank you to everyone for your support.






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